How long is an effective P.T program ?
Sixteen weeks is sufficient enough time to make good progress into your fitness journey, targets and goals.
How many sessions or weeks do I have to purchase ?
That is entirely up to the customer, sessions can be booked individually.
What does a consultation consist of ?
Initial Assessment, Physical Readiness Questionnaire, Workout History, Goals, Targets, Fitness Test.
What does a workout consist of ?
Stretches, Warm Up, Exercise Segment, Cool Down.
What is the least amount of persons, which can be considered for group workout ?
Four persons or more, will be considered a group.
What would I need for a Skype workout ?
Minimal Skype needs are a web cam, speakers, sufficient space to complete exercises.
If you have fitness equipment available, they may be included in the session.
Is a workout holding fee required ?
50% of session cost payable upon booking. With the remainder being paid on date selected.